Role: UX/UI Design | Process & Skills: Stakeholder Interviews, Competitive Analysis, UI Design is like a spell checker but for writing style guides. Users can select style guides to suit their work be it literary or scientific. Users can also build their own style guides and have several active at once.
My assignment for this project was a complete interface update to bring it more in line with googles Material design while also maintaining some of the brands style. We also added a new feature that allowed users to have multiple style guides active at once.
I looked at several other products in this space like Grammarly and WhiteSmoke. Their systems were similar but differed in the use of Style Guides which was a major UI component in The take-away from this research was simply to recognize the clarity of their UI in comparison to I then researched the Material design system and performed a major facelift.
UI elements were made bolder and easier to parse.
The layout was changed to highlight useful UI in places where it was most needed.
Hiding elements in sub menus helped clean up clutter and surface the important information.
This is the default state of the sidebar for Google Docs. It allows users to change their style guide, manually check the document for tips, clear all tips, access the settings menu, and of course see all of the current tips.
This is a multi-select box that allows users to select multiple style guides.